Category: squirts mustard
Learn squirts mustard - Recipes
  1. Sweet-Sour Dressing - carrots

    Ingredients 1 lb. carrots1/2 c. sugar1/2 c. salad oil1/3 c. catsup2 squirts mustard1 tsp. salt1 small chopped onionMethodClean and cook carrots until done (slice them).Mix remaining ingredients together in blen...Learn More
    carrotssugarsalad oil
  2. ScottS Famous Egg Salad - eggs

    Ingredients 5 eggs, boiled and chopped2 big spoonfuls mayonnaise2 squirts mustard4 shakes salt4 shakes pepperMethodMix and serve with crackers or on bread....Learn More
    eggsmayonnaisesquirts mustard