Category: scalding hot milk
Learn scalding hot milk - Recipes
  1. Custard Pie - eggs

    Ingredients 4 eggs2/3 c. sugar1/2 tsp. salt1/4 tsp. nutmeg2 2/3 c. scalding hot milk1 tsp. vanillaMethodBeat eggs slightly.Add rest of the ingredients and beat well.Pour into a pastry-lined pie pan.Bake at 450°...Learn More
  2. Custard Pie - crust

    Ingredients 9 inch pie crust, unbaked4 eggs2/3 C. sugar1/2 tsp. salt1/4 tsp. nutmeg1 tsp. vanilla2 2/3 C. scalding hot milkMethodBeat together the eggs, sugar and salt. Then add the nutmeg, vanilla and milk.Pou...Learn More