Category: sashimi
Learn sashimi - Recipes
  1. Red Sea Bream Carpaccio in 5 Minutes - sashimi

    Ingredients 1 Sea bream for sashimi (or any other sashimi)1 tbsp Olive oil1 tsp Kombu tea (powder)1 small amount Lemon juice1 small amount Dried parsely (or basil)1 Daikon radish sprouts3 Cherry tomatoesMethodM...Learn More
    sashimiolive oillemon juice
  2. Refreshing Octopus and Wakame Salad - sashimi

    Ingredients 1 Wakame seaweed1 Octopus for sashimi1 Oil-free shiso leaf dressingMethodCut wakame into bite-sized pieces.Rehydrate in water if using dried wakame.Cut the octopus into thin slices.Mix the wakame an...Learn More
    sashimishiso leaf dressing