Category: radish slices
Learn radish slices - Recipes
  1. Plentiful Potatoe Salad - potatoes

    Ingredients 2 qts. cooked potatoes1 1/2 c. celery6 cooked eggs, chopped2/3 c. radish slices1/2 c. green onion1 c. green pepper, chopped1 tsp saltdash of pepper1 1/3 c. mayo2 tbsp mustardMethodCombine all indred...Learn More
  2. Vegetable Pasta Salad - Miracle

    Ingredients 2/3 c. Miracle Whip salad dressing1 garlic clove, minced1/2 tsp. dill weed1/4 c. carrot slices1/4 tsp. salt1/2 c. radish slices1/2 c. chopped cucumber1 1/2 c. shell macaroni, cooked and drainedMetho...Learn More
    Miraclegarlicdill weed