Category: morcilla
Learn morcilla - Recipes
  1. Budin de Polenta with Mushroom and Sausage - sausage

    Ingredients 1 pound sweet Italian sausage1 pound chorizo1 pound morcilla or Argentine blood sausage2 cups milk2 cups chicken stock1 ancho or pasilla2 tablespoons butter1 sprig rosemary1 sprig basilSalt and pepp...Learn More
  2. Rafas Fabada Recipe pilinut - white beans

    Ingredients 1 lb. large white beans, e.g., lima or Italian butter beans1 chorizo de Bilbao, weighing around 4 oz.1 morcilla, or similar blood sausage, around 4 oz.1 piece of slab bacon, skin on, around 4 oz.1 p...Learn More
    white beansmorcillabacon