Category: monkfish fillets
Learn monkfish fillets - Recipes
  1. Monkfish With Peas - extra-virgin olive oil

    Ingredients 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil3 tbsp fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves, chopped1 tbsp fresh oregano leaves, chopped2 cloves garlic, minced2 1/4 lb fresh peas, shelled1/3 cup tomato puree4 (6.5 oz) monkf...Learn More
    extra-virgin olive oilparsleyoregano
  2. Monkfish with Red Pepper-Basil Sauce - red bell peppers

    Ingredients 3 medium red bell peppers, roasted, peeled, seeded and coarsely chopped1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice2 garlic cloves, crushed through a press3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil1/4 teaspoon salt2 ta...Learn More
    red bell pepperslemon juicegarlic