Category: matzo cake
Learn matzo cake - Recipes
  1. Passover Chocolate Mandelbrot - white sugar

    Ingredients 2 cups white sugar1 cup pareve margarine6 eggs2 3/4 cups matzo cake meal3/4 cup potato starch1/2 teaspoon salt1 cup chopped walnuts2 cups semisweet chocolate chips2 teaspoons white sugar1 teaspoon g...Learn More
    white sugarmargarineeggs
  2. Hazelnut Macaroon And Strawberry Tart - filling

    Ingredients Filling2 12-ounce baskets strawberries, hulled, diced3/4 cup sugar3 tablespoons Passover brandy1 tablespoon fresh lemon juicePinch of ground clovesCrustMatzo cake meal2 cups husked toasted hazelnuts...Learn More
    fillingbaskets strawberriessugar