Category: mace ground
Learn mace ground - Recipes
  1. Asparagus - and - Emmenthaler Tart - water - Boiling

    Ingredients 1 pound asparagus (preferably white)2 quarts water boiling, mixed with 4 ts salt1 each pie shell (9 inch) (9-in) unbaked3 ounces emmentaler cheese well aged, coarsely grated3/4 cup milk3/4 cup heavy...Learn More
    water - Boilingpie shellEmmentaler cheese
  2. Acorn SquashN Pasta Soup - Pasta

    Ingredients 8 ounces pasta, ditalini2 medium acorn squash split, peeled, seeded, quartered2 tablespoons margarine1 large onions chopped3/4 teaspoon mace ground1/2 teaspoon ginger ground1/2 teaspoon cinnamon1 cu...Learn More