Category: lowfat yoghurt
Learn lowfat yoghurt - Recipes
  1. Butterscotch Apples And Yoghurt Cheese In A Crisp Leaf With An Apple Fritter And Cider Sauce Recipe - lowfat yoghurt

    Ingredients 2 c. lowfat yoghurt4 Tbsp. light honey1 tsp vanilla Crisp Leaf Cookies4 Tbsp. butter2 Tbsp. honey3 ounce all purpose flour2 ounce sugar1 x egg, white1 tsp cinnamon1 tsp molasses Butterscotch-Glazed ...Learn More
    lowfat yoghurtlight honeyvanilla Crisp
  2. Apple Muesli Recipe - rolled oats

    Ingredients 2 c. rolled oats1 c. water1/2 c. lowfat yoghurt, natural2 Tbsp. honey1 Tbsp. wheatgerm2 Tbsp. almonds, slivered1 x bananas1 x apples, Granny Smith1 x pearsMethodSoak rolled oats overnight in water i...Learn More
    rolled oatswaterlowfat yoghurt