Category: lite brown sugar
Learn lite brown sugar - Recipes
  1. L P & L Pralines - whipping cream

    Ingredients 1 c. whipping cream1 lb. lite brown sugar1 1/2 c. pecans2 Tbsp. butter (room temperature)MethodMix well the whipping cream and brown sugar; cook in microwave for 14 to 16 minutes.Add pecans and butt...Learn More
    whipping creamlite brown sugarpecans
  2. Fat-Free Delicious Dairy Dip - cream cheese

    Ingredients 1 (8 oz.) pkg. fat-free cream cheese, softened1/2 c. sour cream, softened4 pkg. sugar substitute1 tsp. lite brown sugar1 Tbsp. lite maple flavored syrupMethodMix all ingredients in a small bowl; chi...Learn More
    cream cheesesour creamsugar substitute