Category: light Cool
Learn light Cool - Recipes
  1. Twinkie Dessert - light Twinkies

    Ingredients 1 box light Twinkies1 (20 oz.) can crushed pineapple, drained3 bananas1 (3 oz.) box vanilla instant pudding3 c. skim milklight Cool WhipMethodSlice Twinkies lengthwise and place in pan, cream side u...Learn More
    light Twinkiespineapplebananas
  2. Low-Fat Easy Black Forest Cake - light chocolate cake mix

    Ingredients light chocolate cake mixlight cherry pie fillinglight Cool Whip (large)MethodBake cake mix by directions on box in sheet cake pan.Punch holes in cake with fork.Pour pie filling over cake.Cool comple...Learn More
    light chocolate cake mixlight cherry pie fillinglight Cool