Category: lean turkey bacon
Learn lean turkey bacon - Recipes
  1. Eggs Benedict With Vegan Hollandaise Sauce - eggs

    Ingredients 2 organic eggs (poached)4 pieces lean turkey bacon (cooked)1 sprouted whole wheat bun (halved and toasted)1 pinch paprikaMethodPoach your eggs. I have one of those microwave poachers that works good...Learn More
    eggslean turkey baconwhole wheat bun
  2. Chicken Blt Salad With Buttermilk Dressing - lean turkey bacon

    Ingredients 4 slices lean turkey bacon4 1-inch-thick slices ciabatta bread2 teaspoons olive oil1 garlic clove, halved1/3 cup low-fat buttermilk, well shaken2 tablespoons light mayonnaise2 teaspoons cider vinega...Learn More
    lean turkey baconBreadolive oil