Category: kokum
Learn kokum - Recipes
  1. Black Chickpeas Vatana Aamti Recipe - black chickpeas soaked

    Ingredients 300 gm black chickpeas soaked overnight and sprouted for 8 hrs1 tsp chilli pwdr1 tsp turmeric pwdr150 gm tomatoes minced6 x kokum8 Tbsp. sunflower oil8 x cloves10 x black peppercoms2 tsp conander se...Learn More
    black chickpeas soakedChilli pwdrturmeric
  2. Pandhi Curry Coorg Pork Stir Fry Recipe - pork loin

    Ingredients 750 g pork loin, diced2 tablespoons ginger-garlic paste1 teaspoon turmeric powder2 teaspoons salt8 -10 peppercorns3 bay leaves4 tablespoons honey3 tablespoons soya sauce10 kokum, berries soaked in 1...Learn More
    pork loinginger garlicturmeric powder
  3. Goan Fish Curry - white fish

    Ingredients 1/2 pound white fish, cut into thin slices (such as pomfret)salt to taste1/2 cup grated coconut5 red Kashmiri chiles4 cloves garlic, peeled1 1/2 tablespoons coriander seeds4 whole peppercorns1/2 tea...Learn More
    white fishsaltgrated coconut