Category: jojoba oil
Learn jojoba oil - Recipes
  1. Rich Moisturizing Oil - sesame oil

    Ingredients 14 cup sesame oil14 cup safflower oil1 tablespoon jojoba oil14 teaspoon fragrance oil, of your choiceMethodCombine all oils in a bowl and stir until well mixed.Bottle and store in a cool place....Learn More
    sesame oilsafflower oiljojoba oil
  2. One Minute Manicure - salt

    Ingredients 68 g fine sea salt16 g grapeseed oil12 g apricot kernel oil3 g avocado oil3 g macadamia nut oil1 g jojoba oil1 g vitamin E10 drops essential oils (optional)MethodBefore you start: Oils can go rancid...Learn More
    saltgrapeseed oilapricot kernel oil
  3. French Vanilla Butter Bar - grated beeswax

    Ingredients 2 tablespoons grated beeswax2 tablespoons sweet almond oil1 tablespoon cocoa butter12 teaspoon jojoba oilMethodCombine beeswax, sweet almond oil, and cocoa butter in a double boiler and stir gently ...Learn More
    grated beeswaxsweet almond oilcocoa butter