Category: Italian double concentrate tomato paste
Learn Italian double concentrate tomato paste - Recipes
  1. Ground Meat Ragu The ButcherS Ragu - garlic

    Ingredients 2 garlic cloves1 small Spanish onion,15 peeled and chopped2 carrots, peeled and chopped2 celery stalks, peeled and chopped1/2 bunch flat-leaf Italian parsley2 sprigs rosemary, sage, thyme, or a comb...Learn More
  2. Braised Oxtail Ragu - oxtail

    Ingredients 3 to 4 pounds oxtail, cut into 1-inch piecesSalt and pepper1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus 3 tablespoons2 small onions, divided6 carrots, divided6 celery stalks, divided2 tablespoons Italian do...Learn More
    oxtailsaltextra-virgin olive oil