Category: imported mustard
Learn imported mustard - Recipes
  1. Sauteed Rabbit With Mustard Sauce - young rabbit

    Ingredients 1 young rabbit, about 2 1/2 pounds, cleaned weight, cut into serving piecesSalt to taste, if desiredFreshly ground pepper to taste2 cups very small white onions, the smaller the better, peeled1/2 po...Learn More
    young rabbitsaltfreshly ground pepper
  2. Deviled Breaded Cornish Hens - Cornish game hens

    Ingredients 4 Rock Cornish game hens, about 1 1/4 pounds each, split in half for broilingSalt and freshly ground pepper1/4 cup peanut, vegetable or corn oil2 tablespoons imported mustard1 tablespoon dry white w...Learn More
    Cornish game henssaltpeanut
  3. Pepper and Snow Pea Salad - sweet red peppers

    Ingredients 2 sweet red peppers, about 3/4 poundSalt to taste if desired3/4 pound snow peas1 small red onion, peeled1 tablespoon imported mustard2 tablespoons red-wine vinegarFreshly ground pepper to taste1/4 c...Learn More
    sweet red pepperssaltsnow peas
  4. Ensalata de Chayote Chayote salad - chayotes

    Ingredients 3 chayotes, about 3/4 to 1 pound eachSalt to taste, if desired2 teaspoons imported mustard2 tablespoons red wine vinegar6 tablespoons peanut, vegetable or corn oilFreshly ground pepper to taste2 tea...Learn More
    chayotessaltimported mustard