Category: hot green chili
Learn hot green chili - Recipes
  1. Pumpkin Stew With Lamb - lean lamb

    Ingredients 2 1/2 pounds lean lamb cut into 1 1/2-inch cubes by butcherSalt to taste, if desiredFreshly ground pepper to taste3 tablespoons corn, peanut or vegetable oil1 1/2 cups finely chopped onions1 teaspoo...Learn More
    lean lambsaltfreshly ground pepper
  2. Cauliflower Cachumbar - cauliflower

    Ingredients 3 cups (9 ounces) chopped cauliflower (chop it so no piece is larger than 1/3-inch by 1/4-inch)1 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper1 teaspoon finely chopped hot green chili, such as birds-eye,...Learn More
    cauliflowersaltcayenne pepper
  3. Guacamole - Simple

    Ingredients Guacamole - Simple or LoadedBy Monica Servings: makes 2-1/2 cupsIngredients4 ripe medium-size avocados; Haas recommended, if available1/2 teaspoon garlic powder1/2 teaspoon kosher salt1/2 teaspoon f...Learn More