Category: hot chilis
Learn hot chilis - Recipes
  1. LizzieS Thai Ground Beef - will

    Ingredients You will need:2 pounds or so of 93/7 ground beef1 or 2 small hot chilis, seeded and chopped fine1 tablespoon or so olive oil or vegetable oil1.5 or so tablespoons fish sauce (I am very wary of fish ...Learn More
    willground beefhot chilis
  2. Tomatillo Salsa - tomatillos

    Ingredients 3 pounds tomatillos2 large onions4 hot chilis2-4 cloves of garlice1 c broth (if needed)Black Pepper. (fresh coarse ground, if possible)4 T Olive Oil (optional)Method1. Remove husks from tomatillos a...Learn More
    tomatillosonionshot chilis