Category: handful pickling spice
Learn handful pickling spice - Recipes
  1. Sweet Pickles - cucumbers

    Ingredients 2 gal. sliced cucumbers1 pt. canning salt8 lb. granulated sugar2 qt. vinegarhandful pickling spice (in cheesecloth)MethodPut sliced cucumbers in crock.Boil 1 gallon water and 1 pint canning salt and...Learn More
    cucumberscanning saltgranulated sugar
  2. Pickled Okra - vinegar

    Ingredients 1 qt. vinegar3 qt. water1 tsp. liquid smoke1 c. salthandful pickling spiceokrapeppergarlicdillMethodBoil the first five ingredients and pour over okra, pepper, garlic and dill which have been placed...Learn More
    vinegarwaterliquid smoke