Category: ham tortellini
Learn ham tortellini - Recipes
  1. Hearty Tortellini Pasta E Fagioli Recipe - olive oil

    Ingredients 1 tablespoon olive oil1 small carrot, chopped (optional)2 small celery stalks, chopped (optional)1/2 small onion, chopped (optional)Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper2 cups tomato basil or ...Learn More
    olive oilcarrotcelery stalks
  2. Red Bean Soup With Kale And Ham Tortellini - virgin olive oil

    Ingredients 3 tablespoons tablespoons virgin olive oil1 large onion (250g), diced1 turnip (250g), diced1 large carrot (150g), sliced1 teaspoon ground cumin260 grams (1 small can) cooked red beans200 grams kale,...Learn More
    virgin olive oilonioncarrot