Category: guacamole mix
Learn guacamole mix - Recipes
  1. Grande Guacamole - avocados

    Ingredients 2 ripe avocados1/2 green bell pepper, chopped1/2 white onion, chopped1 tomato, chopped1 pkg. guacamole mixMethodAvocados should be soft and rotten looking.Peel and pit avocados, then mush with a for...Learn More
    avocadosgreen bell pepperwhite onion
  2. 5-Layer Dip With Taco-Seasoned Chicken - avocados

    Ingredients 2 avocados1 package of guacamole mix8 oz of sour cream2 packages of taco seasoninglettucetomato1-2 lbs. of chicken breastMethodMix sour cream with 1 package of taco seasoning. Mash avocados & guacam...Learn More
    avocadosguacamole mixsour cream