Category: ground hot chile
Learn ground hot chile - Recipes
  1. Barbecue Sauce - catsup

    Ingredients 1 c. catsup5 Tbsp. butter1/4 c. strong coffee3 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce1 to 2 Tbsp. ground hot chile (red pepper)1 Tbsp. packed dark brown sugar1/4 tsp. saltchopped onionfew dashes liquid smokeMet...Learn More
  2. Cazuela of Pork with Mussels and Clams Spanish Style - mussels

    Ingredients 12 mussels, rinsed and debearded12 small hard-shelled clams, washed and thoroughly scrubbedCornmeal1/2 cup double-strength low-sodium chicken broth1/2 cup dry white wine2 tablespoons ground hot chil...Learn More