Category: grate
Learn grate - Recipes
  1. Salsify Bisque - celery

    Ingredients 1 pound salsify, peeled and chopped (about 2 cups)1/2 cup chopped celery1 tablespoon finely chopped onion3 cups half-and-half1 teaspoon saltSprinkle of cayenne pepper2 large egg yolks, beatenGrate o...Learn More
  2. Round 2 Recipe -Burrito Enchiladas - Rice Salad

    Ingredients 1 1/2 cups leftover zesty rice salad1/2 cup leftover steak cerveza, sliced into thin strips1 cup shredded jack cheese, divided1 teaspoon chili seasoning1 (10-ounce) can enchilada sauce, divided1 tab...Learn More
    Rice SaladcervezaJack cheese