Category: good
Learn good - Recipes
  1. Ayran - good

    Ingredients 2 cups good-quality plain yogurtSalt or sugar to taste2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint leavesMethodWhisk together the yogurt and salt or sugar with enough water (or sparkling water) to achieve a mil...Learn More
    goodsaltmint leaves
  2. Holy Sandwich! - dandelion

    Ingredients For the dandelion green spread3 ounces dandelion greens (about a bunch, large stems removed), washed, coarsely chopped1 large clove garlic, peeled1/8 teaspoon freshly ground pepper1/4 teaspoon salt1...Learn More
    dandeliondandelionclove garlic
  3. Lobster Cocktail With Oven-Dried Cherry Tomatoes - live lobsters

    Ingredients 2 live lobsters, about 1 3/4 pounds each, placed in the freezer 30 minutes before cooking2 tablespoons mayonnaise1 tablespoon tomato ketchup2 teaspoons chopped tarragon2 Boston lettuces, leaves sepa...Learn More
    live lobstersmayonnaisetomato ketchup
  4. Chocolate Clay Recipe - good

    Ingredients 2 1/2 cups good-quality dark chocolate, chopped into chip-sized pieces1/4 cup sugar3 tablespoons water1/3 cup light corn syrup or brown rice syrupMethodPlace the chocolate in a medium bowl and set a...Learn More