Category: full cream
Learn full cream - Recipes
  1. Asparagus Soup With Saffron Recipe - green asparagus

    Ingredients 1 kg fresh green asparagus4 lrg shallots, finely minced6 Tbsp. flour1/4 tsp Krokos Greek red saffron*6 c. chicken stock2 x egg yolks1 c. full cream lowfat milk or possibly light cream salt and fresh...Learn More
    green asparagusshallotsflour
  2. Shrikhand And Puri - full cream

    Ingredients For shrikhand1 kg full cream fresh yoghurt1 1/2 cups ground sugar1/2 teaspoon saffron1 1/2 teaspoons cardamom powderFor puri2 cups self raising flour1 tablespoon oil1/2 teaspoon saltwater, drained f...Learn More
    full creamground sugarsaffron