Category: fruit flavored gelatin
Learn fruit flavored gelatin - Recipes
  1. Popcorn Surprise Balls Recipe - corn

    Ingredients 3/4 c. unpopped corn1 c. light corn syrup1/2 c. sugar3 ounce. pkg. fruit flavored gelatin (any flavor)12 miniature candy barsMethodPop corn, set aside.Combine syrup and sugar in a heavy saucepan; br...Learn More
    cornlight corn syrupsugar
  2. Finger Jello - unflavored gelatine

    Ingredients 4 envelopes Knox unflavored gelatine3 pkg. fruit flavored gelatin (4 servings each)4 c. boiling waterMethodIn large bowl, mix unflavored gelatine with flavored gelatin. Add boiling water and stir un...Learn More
    unflavored gelatinefruit flavored gelatinboiling water