Category: fresh tortillas
Learn fresh tortillas - Recipes
  1. Chicken Enchiladas - sour cream

    Ingredients 2 c. cooked chicken chunks2 c. (1 pt.) sour cream1 to 2 (4 oz.) cans mild green chilies, seeded and chopped1/2 to 1 c. chopped green onion and tops1/2 tsp. salt4 c. (1 lb.) Monterey Jack cheese, shr...Learn More
    sour creamgreen chiliesgreen onion
  2. Pork Fajitas - olive oil

    Ingredients 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil1/2 cloves Elephant Garlic, Minced1/4 teaspoons Salt1/4 teaspoons Pepper1/2 teaspoons Cumin1 dash Cayenne1 whole Lime, Zested2 whole Limes, Juiced1/4 cups Cilantro, Chopped1 p...Learn More
    olive oilgarlicsalt