Category: fresh lobsters
Learn fresh lobsters - Recipes
  1. Fried Green Tomatoes with Lobster and Tear Drop Tomato Salad - egg

    Ingredients 1 large egg1 tablespoon Dijon mustardJuice of 1/2 fresh lemon, about 1 tablespoonSaltFreshly ground white pepperHot sauce1 1/2 cups vegetable oil2 tablespoons chopped shallots1 teaspoon chopped garl...Learn More
    eggmustardfresh lemon
  2. Fresh Lobster Spring Rolls With Lime-Ginger Vinaigrette - fresh lobsters

    Ingredients 1 (1 1/2 lb) fresh lobsters, about 1-1/2 lbs. cooked1 head butter lettuce1 small carrot1/2 cucumber20 basil leaves20 fresh cilantro stems40 garlic chives20 mint leaves1/4 cup toasted peanuts, choppe...Learn More
    fresh lobstersbutter lettucecarrot