Category: drops lavender oil
Learn drops lavender oil - Recipes
  1. Emotional Tonic milk Bath Recipe - jasmine oil

    Ingredients 3 drops jasmine oil6 drops lavender oil2 drops clary sage oil1 drop bergamot oil3 ounces whole milkMethodAdd all the oils to whole milk.Add the milk mixture to warm bath water.Let the gentle aroma o...Learn More
    jasmine oildrops lavender oilsage oil
  2. Sunburn Healing Bath - rolled oats

    Ingredients 14 cup rolled oats18 cup whole powdered milk1 teaspoon loose tea leaves (green or black )3 drops lavender oil2 drops peppermint oilMethodCombine all these ingredients in a handkerchief tied with str...Learn More
    rolled oatspowdered milkdrops lavender oil
  3. AllergyColdFlu Bath - oil

    Ingredients 5 drops eucalyptus oil5 drops peppermint oil4 drops lavender oil7 drops of thyme oil, see note (optional)MethodAdd together all ingredients.Note: If chest is congested add 7 drops of Thyme.Use in ba...Learn More
    oilpeppermint oildrops lavender oil
  4. Lavender Bubble Bath - water

    Ingredients 1 14 cups liquid dish soap (unscented)1 14 cups distilled water4 drops lavender oil2 drops blue food coloringMethodMix all ingredients.Pour into a 2-1/2 cup container and shake thoroughly.Then pour ...Learn More
    waterdrops lavender oilcoloring
  5. Relaxing Honey Bath - honey

    Ingredients 2 ounces honey5 drops lavender oilMethodPut honey in a glass with lavender oil.If honey is too thick, heat it by placing the glass in warm water till thins.Add 1 or 2 tbsp to your bathwater.Mmmm hon...Learn More
    honeydrops lavender oil
  6. Cocoa Bath - cocoa

    Ingredients 1/8 cup unsweetened cocoa powder1/8 cup powdered milk1/4 cup epsom salts1 tablespoon baking soda1 tablespoon cornstarch2 drops lavender oil (optional)MethodMix all ingredients in a bowl and add it t...Learn More
    cocoapowdered milkEpsom salts
  7. Aromatherapy Migraine Ease - peppermint oil

    Ingredients 1 drop peppermint oil1 drop rosemary oil4 drops lavender oil1 drop eucalyptus oil1 large cotton ballMethodPlace drops of oil on one side of the cotton ball (or you can use a thick piece of guaze).Pl...Learn More
    peppermint oilrosemary oildrops lavender oil
  8. Lavender Cake - cake flour

    Ingredients 2 1/2 cups cake flour8 tablespoons vanilla instant pudding mix1 tablespoon baking powder1/4 teaspoon baking soda1/2 teaspoon kosher salt5 whole eggs2 teaspoon vanilla extract1 cup milk1/4 cup half-a...Learn More
    cake flourvanilla instant puddingbaking powder
  9. Lavender Rosewood Sugar Scrub - brown sugar

    Ingredients 1 cup brown sugar14 cup almond oil (or other oil of choice)12 teaspoon vitamin E6 -8 drops rosewood essential oils4 -6 drops lavender oilMethodCombine brown sugar and oil until it reaches a paste li...Learn More
    brown sugaralmond oilvitamin E
  10. All-Natural Carpet Deodorizer - baking soda

    Ingredients 1/2 cup baking soda1/2 cup cornstarch5 drops lavender oil5 drops orange essential oilsMethodMix ingredients with a fork until there are no lumps. Sprinkle all over your carpets.Let sit 30 minutes, t...Learn More
    baking sodacornstarchdrops lavender oil
  11. Miracle Spray - water

    Ingredients 1 cup water4 teaspoons baking soda2 tablespoons white vinegar3 -5 drops lavender oilMethodMix vinegar and baking soda until foaming stops.Add oil and then the water.Refrigerate for best results....Learn More
    waterbaking sodawhite vinegar