Category: crescents
Learn crescents - Recipes
  1. Chicken Crescents - chicken breasts

    Ingredients 4 large, cooked chicken breasts, diced in small pieces2 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese (room temperature)2 sticks butter (room temperature)3 pkg. crescents1/2 c. finely chopped onion1/2 c. finely chopped...Learn More
    chicken breastscream cheesebutter
  2. Ham And Swiss Pockets - crescents

    Ingredients refrigerated crescents1 c. shredded Swiss cheese1 c. chopped ham2 Tbsp. applesauce1 Tbsp. orange marmaladeMethodMix all ingredients together and spoon a portion on 1 crescent.Bring corners to center...Learn More
    crescentsSwiss cheeseham