Category: cream salt
Learn cream salt - Recipes
  1. Mimis Ice Cream Recipe - sugar

    Ingredients 4 c. sugar5-6 Large eggs1 lg. can lowfat milk (evaporated)1/4 teaspoon salt3 tbsp. vanilla1 gallon lowfat milkCrushed iceIce cream saltMethodBeat Large eggs in large bowl till lemon colored.Add in s...Learn More
  2. Caramel Candy Recipe - sugar

    Ingredients 3 c. Sugar1 1/2 c. White karo2 c. Cream Salt, healthy pinchMethodCook 1 c. cream with sugar and Karo, till soft ball stage.Add in last c. of cream very slowly, not to stop boiling.Cook to hard ball ...Learn More
    sugarwhite Karocream salt