Category: cover
Learn cover - Recipes
  1. Green Beans Sabji Waverley Kitchens - green beans

    Ingredients 1 lb fresh green beans1/2 tsp WK Seed Blend1 1/2 tsp WK Sabji Blend2 tsp lemon juice3/4 tsp salt (to your taste)2 tbsp cooking oil of your choice3 quart non-stick pan with coverMethodCut green beans...Learn More
    green beansblendlemon juice
  2. Lemon Squares - flour

    Ingredients 1 c. flour1/2 c. oleo1/2 c. nuts1 (8 oz.) cream cheese1 c. 4x sugar1 c. Cool Whip2 small boxes lemon instant pudding3 c. milkCool Whip to coverMethodCrust:Mix together flour, oleo and nuts and press...Learn More
  3. Chicken Divan - chicken breasts

    Ingredients 1 pkg. chicken breasts (4)2 pkg. broccoli2 cans cream of chicken soup1 tsp. lemon juice2 tsp. curry powder1 1/2 c. mayonnaiseshredded cheese to coverMethodSauce:Stir soup, lemon juice, curry powder ...Learn More
    chicken breastsbroccolicream of chicken soup