Category: colored candies
Learn colored candies - Recipes
  1. Bird Nests - chocolate chips

    Ingredients 1 pkg. chocolate chips1/2 c. peanut butter4 c. chow mein noodlescolored candies (peanut M&M's)MethodMelt peanut butter.Add chocolate chips and stir until melted.(This step can also be done in the mi...Learn More
    chocolate chipspeanut butternoodles
  2. Easter Egg Braid Recipe - eggs

    Ingredients 12 Large eggs in shell, uncookedEaster egg coloring1/2 c. lowfat milk1/2 c. sugar1 teaspoon salt1/2 c. shorteningGrated peel of 2 lemons2 Packages dry yeast1/2 c. hot water2 Large eggs, room tempera...Learn More
    eggsegg coloringmilk