Category: cold cream
Learn cold cream - Recipes
  1. Face Paint - cornstarch

    Ingredients cornstarchcold creamfood coloringmuffin tinwaterMethodIn each cup of the muffin tin, mix 1 teaspoon cornstarch, 1/2 teaspoon water, 1/2 teaspoon cold cream and a couple of drops of food coloring, a ...Learn More
    cornstarchcold creamfood coloring
  2. Face Paint - cornstarch

    Ingredients 1 tsp. cornstarch1/2 tsp. cold cream1/2 tsp. waterfew drops food colorMethodMix this small amount or multiply to make larger quantities. Muffins tins work well as both mixing bowl and artist pallett...Learn More
    cornstarchcold creamwater
  3. Homemade Face Paint - white vegetable shortening

    Ingredients 2 teaspoons white vegetable shortening2 1/2 teaspoons cornstarch1 teaspoon all-purpose white flour3 -4 drops glycerinfood coloringcold creamMethodthoroughly mix the shortening, cornstarch and flour ...Learn More
    white vegetable shorteningcornstarchall-purpose
  4. Melon Mousse - powdered gelatin

    Ingredients 1-1/2 teaspoon Powdered Gelatin1/8 cups Cold Water1 cup Melon Puree1/4 cups Sugar2 teaspoons Lemon Juice1/2 cups Cold Cream1/4 teaspoons Vanilla ExtractFresh Mint For GarnishMethodPlace gelatin and ...Learn More
    powdered gelatinwaterMelon Puree