Category: cold coconut cream
Learn cold coconut cream - Recipes
  1. Mango Coconut Jalapeño Sorbet - Sorbet

    Ingredients The jalapeno jam for the sorbet10 Jalapenos1-2 teaspoons honey (optional)Pinch saltMango Coconut Jalapeno Sorbet2 1/2 cups frozen mango1/2 cup water1/2 cold coconut cream (I used trader joes.)1/3 cu...Learn More
  2. Lemon Cheesecake Smoothie Bowl - cashews

    Ingredients 1/4 cup raw cashews*1/4 cup cold coconut cream3/4 cup water2 frozen bananas, chopped (approximately 300 grams)**2 teaspoons maple syrupflesh of 1 small lemon1/2 teaspoon concentrated natural vanilla...Learn More
    cashewscold coconut creamwater