Category: colander
Learn colander - Recipes
  1. Homemade Goat Cheese - goat milk

    Ingredients One gallon of goat milk Juice of one large lemon Salt and favorite fresh herbs Candy thermometer Cheesecloth Colander Large bowl Pot LadleMethod1. Pour the entire carton of milk into your pot and p...Learn More
    goat milklemonsalt
  2. Mojo Moulies - garlic

    Ingredients 2 tablespoons minced garlic1 large leek, cleaned, trimmed, and choppedPinch kosher salt3 tablespoons olive oil20 mussels1 ripe tomato, seeded and chopped1 1/2 cups white wineChopped parsley8 -quart ...Learn More
    garlickosher saltolive oil
  3. Best ever French Fries! - potato

    Ingredients 1 large russet potato or 2 medium potatoes. per person per serving1 oil for frying approximately 2"deep. We like vegetable oil.1 salt1 large deep pan/pot (a wok works well)1 slotted spoon or tongs1 ...Learn More
  4. Cold Peanut Noodles - noodles

    Ingredients 6 ounces Chinese ramen noodles or 8 ounces, vermicelli2 tablespoons vegetable oil1 cucumber1/2 cup smooth, natural peanut butter1/4 cup soy sauce1/4 cup white wine2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice1 ta...Learn More
    noodlesvegetable oilcucumber