Category: cliantro
Learn cliantro - Recipes
  1. Grilled Pineapple Cilantro Salsa - pineapple

    Ingredients 4 slices Inch Thick Pineapple Rings1/2 whole Red Onion, Chopped1/2 whole Jalapeno, Seeded And Chopped1 whole Lime, Juiced1 bunch Cliantro, Chopped1/4 teaspoons Salt, Or To TasteMethodGrill pineapple...Learn More
    pineapplered onioncliantro
  2. Baigan Bhartha On Makki Di Roti Bites - Baigan

    Ingredients Baigan Bhartha - Roasted Eggplant1 large Eggplant1 Chopped medium sized onion3 Chopped Tomatoes11/2 teaspoon garlic1 tablespoon Ginger1/2 cup Boiled Peas11/2 tablespoon Oil1 teaspoon Cumin SeedsPinc...Learn More
  3. Fried Shrimp Banh Mi Vietnamese Sandwich - flour

    Ingredients 13 cups Flour1/2 teaspoons (scant) Salt1/2 teaspoons Ground Ginger1/4 teaspoons Garlic Powder1/2 cups Mayonnaise2 teaspoons Agave Nectar1 teaspoon Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce (optional, For Heat)2 cups...Learn More
    floursaltground ginger