Category: cleaners
Learn cleaners - Recipes
  1. Easter Baskets Recipe - recipe of favorite cake

    Ingredients 1 recipe of favorite cake or possibly a cake mixCreamy frostingGreen food coloringJelly beansPipe cleanersCoconutMethodPrepare cake as directed, baking in paper muffin c..Remove from oven and let co...Learn More
    recipe of favorite cakeFrostinggreen food coloring
  2. Spooky Spider Cupcakes - Dutch

    Ingredients FOR THE CUPCAKES:1/2 cups PLUS 1 Tablespoon Dutch-process Cocoa Powder1/2 cups PLUS 1 Tablespoon Hot Water2-1/4 cups Flour3/4 teaspoons Baking Powder3/4 teaspoons Baking Soda1/2 teaspoons Salt2 stic...Learn More