Category: chicken cubes
Learn chicken cubes - Recipes
  1. Chicken Pot Pie In A Skillet - chicken breasts

    Ingredients 2 chicken breasts1 can Veg-All, large cut vegetables4 chicken cubes1/4 tsp. black pepper (optional)MethodCook and dice chicken.Return to skillet.Add Veg-all and bouillon.Cover and cook on medium unt...Learn More
    chicken breastsVeg-Allchicken cubes
  2. Broccoli Soup - onion

    Ingredients 1 large onion1 garlic clove2 Tbsp. butter6 c. water6 chicken cubes1 c. Orzo #471 pkg. chopped broccoli cutsMethodAdd butter, onion and garlic to pot.Let simmer a few minutes then add water and cubes...Learn More