Category: cham sauce
Learn cham sauce - Recipes
  1. Banh Xeo - Vietnamese Crepes - pork loin

    Ingredients 1/2 lb boneless pork loin20 medium shrimp10 fresh cilantro stems10 fresh basil sprigs10 fresh mint sprigs2 cups rice flour1/2 cup self-rising flour2 1/2 cups water1 cup coconut milk1/2 teaspoon curr...Learn More
    pork loinshrimpcilantro
  2. Bun Chay Vietnamese Veggie Rice Vermicelli Salad - Salad

    Ingredients Salad1 lb rice vermicelli, cooked, rinsed, dried and cool1 English cucumber, julienned (or 2 Persian)4 scallions, thinly sliced3 cups lettuce, cut small (use at least 2 varieties to make it more tas...Learn More
    Saladrice vermicellicucumber