Category: cans kraut
Learn cans kraut - Recipes
  1. Cabbage Rolls - ground beef

    Ingredients 3 lb. ground beef1 lb. sausage1 medium onion, diced1/2 c. green peppers1 c. uncooked rice2 tsp. salt1 tsp. pepper2 eggs2 medium heads cabbage2 (15 oz.) cans kraut1 large tomato juiceMethodBoil whole...Learn More
    ground beefsausageonion
  2. Kraut And Pineapple - cans kraut

    Ingredients 1 or 2 cans kraut1 or 2 cans crushed pineappleMethodMix in saucepan.Let it simmer for about 2 hours.Serve with pork....Learn More
    cans krautpineapple