Category: Cajun pepper
Learn Cajun pepper - Recipes
  1. Milk Gravy - bacon drippings

    Ingredients 1/4 c. bacon drippings1/4 c. flour2 c. milk1 tsp. Cajun pepper or Creole seasoningMethodMix bacon drippings, pepper and flour in skillet.Brown over medium heat until paste starts to thicken.Add milk...Learn More
    bacon drippingsflourmilk
  2. Hot Wings - chicken

    Ingredients 10 to 12 chicken drumettes1 tablespoon Cajun pepper, plus more for seasoning wings1 bottle chipotle pepper sauceHoneyMethodPreheat a grill to medium-high.Season the wings with Cajun pepper.In a medi...Learn More
    chickenCajun pepperpepper sauce