Category: cactus
Learn cactus - Recipes
  1. Cactus Salad - cactus

    Ingredients 1 LB. Cactus1 C. Carrots1 Onion1 C. Mushrooms1/2 C. Celery1/2 C. Chicken Tenders (fried and cut up)1 bag of Boiling Rice (cooked)1 tsp. Salt1/2 tsp. PepperMethodCook rice and chicken separately.Mix ...Learn More
  2. Cactus Salad - cactus

    Ingredients 2 cans diced cactus, drained1 onion, chopped3 or 4 tomatoes, chopped1 bunch fresh cilantro, choppedMethodMix all ingredients and chill in refrigerator....Learn More