Category: brunoise red onions
Learn brunoise red onions - Recipes
  1. Foie Gras Terrine - gras lobes

    Ingredients 3 Grade A foie gras lobesSalt and pepper to taste1 liter port wine2 dozen toast points1 dozen cornichons1/2 cup brunoise red onionsMethodButter a large rectangular terrine mold.Line the mold with a ...Learn More
    gras lobessaltport wine
  2. Caviar Pie - cream cheese

    Ingredients Herb Cream Cheese1 8 ounces package cream cheese, softened1 tablespoon minced garlic1/2 chopped mild herbsSalt and pepperEgg Salad6 hard boiled eggs, peeled, chopped1/2 cup homemade or prepared mayo...Learn More
    cream cheesecream cheesegarlic