Category: bomba
Learn bomba - Recipes
  1. Paella - clams

    Ingredients 20 clams20 mussels1/4 cup olive oil10 chicken pieces (drumsticks or thighs)2 to 3 garlic cloves, minced1 large onion, chopped1 pound chorizo sausage, cut into 1/2-inch slices5 cups Bomba, Calasparra...Learn More
    clamsmusselsolive oil
  2. Frugal Moroccan Paella - olive oil

    Ingredients olive oil for pan4 small chicken breasts or thighs, skin and bone in1/2 pound chorizo1 red bell pepper, cored and cut into 1/2 inch lengths1 large yellow onion, chopped1 small leek, sliced into roun...Learn More
    olive oilchicken breastschorizo