Category: boil lasagna
Learn boil lasagna - Recipes
  1. Lasagna With Spinach and Wild Mushrooms - spinach

    Ingredients 1 pound spinach, stemmed and washed in 2 changes water if using bunch spinach, rinsed if using bagged baby spinachSalt2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, plus additional for oiling baking dish1/2 ...Learn More
    spinachsaltextra-virgin olive oil
  2. Lasagna With Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Carrots - Brussels sprouts

    Ingredients 3/4 pound brussels sprouts, trimmed at base and sliced (not much thicker than 1/4 inch; I get about 3 slices out of a small brussels sprout, 4 out of a larger one)1/2 pound carrots, peeled and slice...Learn More
    Brussels sproutscarrotssalt