Category: black cocoa
Learn black cocoa - Recipes
  1. Twisted Bread Using a Chocolate Fold-in Sheet - Bread

    Ingredients 200 grams Bread (strong) flour50 grams Cake flour20 grams Sugar3 grams Salt1 s to m size Whole egg (beaten)170 grams combined with the 25 grams of egg Milk30 grams Butter3 grams Dry yeast15 grams Br...Learn More
  2. Butter-free Chocolate Tart - chocolate

    Ingredients 1 Chocolate bar150 ml Heavy cream1 large egg (or medium)1 tbsp Sugar1 tbsp Pancake mix or flour2 tsp Black cocoa1 Healthy Tart Crust100 grams Pancake mix50 grams Silken tofuMethodMake the tart crust...Learn More