Category: beef neck
Learn beef neck - Recipes
  1. TycoonS Goulash - vegetable oil

    Ingredients 6 Tbs Vegetable Oil1 3/4 cup minced onion4 garlic cloves minced1 tbls Hungarian sweet paprika1/2 tsp caraway seed1 1/2 lbs meaty beef neck bones3 cups water6 plum tomatoes, peeled, sliced3 green bel...Learn More
    vegetable oiloniongarlic
  2. Caramelized Onion And Wine Braised Brisket With Glazed Ve Recipe - chicken broth

    Ingredients 4 c. Canned low-salt chicken broth1 bot dry white wine, (750-ml)1/2 c. Brandy1/3 c. Vegetable oil2 lb Meaty beef neck bones3 1/2 lb Onions, thinly sliced4 lrg Celery stalks, sliced1 1/2 tsp Whole al...Learn More
    chicken brothwhite winebrandy