Category: Baquette
Learn Baquette - Recipes
  1. Bruschellini - Baquette

    Ingredients French Baquette Bread1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil1 tablespoon minced garlicFresh Basil choppedOregano, Salt and Pepper to taste4 Roma Plum Tomatoes thinly slicedArgentine Sardo Cheese, thinly slic...Learn More
    Baquetteolive oilgarlic
  2. Herbed Ricotta And Anchovy Crostini - anchovy

    Ingredients 9 anchovy fillets (like Rolands in olive oil)3 tsp. Meyer lemon zest and 1 tbl. Meyer lemon juice1/2 tsp. very finely minced fresh rosemary1/4 tsp. freshly milled green peppercorns1 tbl. finely chop...Learn More
    anchovylemon zestfresh rosemary