Category: asian basil
Learn asian basil - Recipes
  1. Fragrant Chicken Soup With Rice Noodles - chicken

    Ingredients 1 chicken medium, cleaned3 watersalt2 inches fresh ginger knob, peeled2 onions peeled and thinly sliced2 tablespoons fish sauce6 peppercorns7/8 pound rice noodles Fresh2 spring onions finely sliced1...Learn More
  2. Chicken Curry with Sweet Potatoes - curry powder

    Ingredients 3 tablespoons curry powder, preferably Three Golden Bells brand1/2 teaspoon salt, or to taste2 pounds skinless chicken thighs2 tablespoons vegetable oil1 tablespoon chopped shallot2 teaspoons minced...Learn More
    curry powdersaltchicken thighs